Monday, June 22, 2009

Tough Times Call For Smart Thinking

I spend a lot of my time looking on the net for interesting and informative ways to increase my company's "footprint" so to speak. There are so many very smart people out there that I'm amazed I have any time left over to work on other important projects, but let's face it, more and more people are using the web for attracting and formulating new concepts that can be tested, thrown out or pushed to viral size.
What does this have to do with insurance?
Well, I suppose, insurance is as important as anything else we need for "security"!
Let's make sure we shop around and get what makes the most sense for us all. Cheap isn't always what is needed in the end.
Yes, I'm told price is the "button" and I'm sure it's up there in popularity, but coverage can really make the difference in the end.
Thnk about it.
Check this out:

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