Thursday, October 8, 2009


Survival Insurance launched a new marketing campaign and it's ALL ABout you! That's the name and thrust of the campaign: "It's All About You!" Based on Survival's mantra of customer service is our number one concern, this new campaign makes it clear that Survival is upping the demand for it's competitors to know that being a brokerage IS the way to go for the customer because Survival shops over 400 companies and finds the lowest rates and best policies.

There are many different images that the campaign has in it and addresses those niche markets.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Farewell Kodachrome Film

I have always enjoyed photography and feel it's worth a few words here to say goodbye to a richly colorful film made by Kodak. They have retired this film as of yesterday because it's too difficult to process and most people aren't using it any longer. They claim the film is only 1% of their revenue source.
Here's a link to a few Kodachrome moments. Enjoy.

Monday, June 22, 2009

Tough Times Call For Smart Thinking

I spend a lot of my time looking on the net for interesting and informative ways to increase my company's "footprint" so to speak. There are so many very smart people out there that I'm amazed I have any time left over to work on other important projects, but let's face it, more and more people are using the web for attracting and formulating new concepts that can be tested, thrown out or pushed to viral size.
What does this have to do with insurance?
Well, I suppose, insurance is as important as anything else we need for "security"!
Let's make sure we shop around and get what makes the most sense for us all. Cheap isn't always what is needed in the end.
Yes, I'm told price is the "button" and I'm sure it's up there in popularity, but coverage can really make the difference in the end.
Thnk about it.
Check this out:

Monday, June 1, 2009

The Glengarry Glen Ross effect

Remember the movie Glenngary, Glenn Ross? Back in '92. Starred Al Pacino, Jack Lemmom, Alec Baldwin, Alan Arkin, Ed Harris, Kevin Spacey and other notables.

There's more truth to that movie than one would think. Walking into the West Los Angeles Survival Insurance location gives you a feeling that this is where it all happens. Agents are on the phones and the atmosphere is intense.

The only thing missing is the scene fromthe movie that Baldwin does so well.
Check this out:

When you have a company that have salesman, you've got to enable them with powerful thoughts about how to stay above the water and sell as if it was already done. Assume the close.
The young guns of Survival are on the prowl and are a new breed of cat.

Oh, and they really do get people great deals on auto insurance.

Visit them at

Friday, March 27, 2009

How Can I Lower My Insurance Rates?

There are quite a few ways to do this. One of the easiest is to shop around for better rates. Another way to lower the cost is to look for discounts. Most companies will give discounts for multiple cars on the same policy, transferring from an existing  policy and completing certain DMV approved driver safety courses.
Another way is to increase the amount of deductible you carry. If you do this be sure you have enough money to handle the additional cost.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Insurance from the Inside Out

As a straight consumer of insurance I never fully understood the inner workings of what it takes to write a policy.
I've been marketing Survival Insurance Brokerage since the beginning of the year and everyday more and more info comes my way as to how the business of insurance really works.
For example, a company like Geioco writes there own policies with there own "products" and so do most of the larger insurance companies. It's smart for them in the way they don't spend as much marketing the policy as say Survival Insurance does. They have a very large budget because they're not paying commissions on those policies.
The downside for the consumer is when they go to a Geico or other single insurance company they don't get the benefit of what a brokerage does - which is shops around for you and they can pick and choose where to get the best rate and coverage for their customers.
Of course the Geico's of the insurance world will tell you they don't pay broker fees so you get a better deal, may not get the best coverage or get only what they have to offer.
Marketing a brokerage is an interesting project because for years I also thought you couldn't get the best rates from a brokerage because of all the PR the General Insurance Companies have thrown out to the public.
But after closer look for a few months, it is actually the opposite. Really!!

Twitter Blog: Shaq Attack!

Twitter Blog: Shaq Attack!

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Can you save money on Insurance?

Yes, you can by having a professional agent shop around for you. They know more about the ins and outs of policies than most of us.

Buying a new car?
When you buy a new car, check out how much the insurance is going to cost. Premiums are based in part on sticker price, the cost to repair, safety record and probability of theft.

What about deductibles?
Deductibles  represent what you could pay before the insurance policy does. If you have a higher deductible your payments will be lower.

Save money on older cars.
At a certain point it doesn't pay to have collision on an older car. It may not be cost effective to continue paying insurance premiums that are ten times more than the cost of the car.

Discounts and Discounts.
You will save money if you purchase your home owners and auto insurance from the same company. Chances are very good you'll get a discount. Multiple vehicles on a policy will most likely give you a savings as well.

Keeping it in the garage?
If you're driving fewer miles than the average per year by the general population you'll be able to get a discount here as well.

Group Coverage.
Companies may also offer group plans such as for businesses, alumni groups and other associations.

Ask for discounts.
You may be surprised how many companies have discount programs such for age groups over 50 and for retirees. Also, if you are a student and also if you have good credit because statistics show that drivers with better credit standings have fewer accidents than those whose credit ratings are not stable.

Check out Survival Insurance on the web at: for discounts.

Monday, March 2, 2009

The New Trend in Looking for and Buying Auto Insurance

More and more people are using the internet to purchase all sorts of things including their auto insurance. It's easy, you can shop from your own computer and it's all in writing when you print it out and show it to the agent. (Should you need to).
Most insurance companies have very sophisticated sites now that track all inquiries and direct all them to call centers for agents to contact the lead quickly. This is a good thing but sometimes it's very difficult for the company to finalize the policy because there may be important questions about the insurance that have to be answered and the customer may feel like they don't to connect via phone and can't understand why the request can't be completed online.
This can cost a customer hundreds of dollars if they decide to go elsewhere when the agent is trying to make sure they're giving them the best deal and the correct coverage.
The next time you need insurance and start the process online, don't be shy if an agent requests you to contact can save you money and who knows...they may become another friend on your facebook account.

Call Survival Insurance Brokerage at 800-SURVIVAL or click here:

Friday, February 27, 2009

Why Use a Broker for Your Insurance?

That's a very good question. Well, Let's look at a scenario where you've got a new driver and he/she needs insurance. They could do a lot of research and maybe find a reasonable policy with company "A". Or, Maybe company "A" doesn't really care much about saving the customer money but just wants to write a policy to meet their quota.. Yes, most sales people have quotas to meet and will do about anything they can to sell the prospect that car insurance policy.
Now, the company that has agents that understand what re-ups are ( repeat business) will take the time to find the best policy for the individual so when it comes time to renew, they are still getting all the coverage they need at the best price because the agent took the time way before the driver contacted them to really research the marketplace for them when they are contacted.
So, what's this about a broker's fee? Yes, there is a broker's fee, but most of the time it doesn't impact the customer as much as you believe because the product (policy) found is usually more inexpensive anyway because of the initial steps taken upfront by the agent to locate the best deal than if he was working directly for a company that writes it directly.
Save more by having your agent do the shopping for you. That's why they're there! Everyone wins!

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Why Are We Bored With Auto Insurance?

Years ago when all the other insurance companies were presenting us with conservative, boring advertising, a rebel emerged from the din of companies and struck a new and creative note with the public; Survival Insurance. This company and it's founder, Richard Acunto, understood that insurance doesn't have to be boring. Yes, we all have to have it because if we don't and get caught driving without it, we're in for a lot of trouble.

The company is anything but boring. Many of the agents have their own motorcycles and ride in large groups on a regular basis.

One thing is for sure, the images in their new ad campaigns are anything but boring. They're on the edge, controversial and sometimes further than most would go in this industry.

Looks like that might be one of the reasons this insurance company stays in front of the pack because they don't like being just another boring insurance company that doesn't listen to their customers.

OK...I guess this is sounding like an ad. Well, I am a marketer and live all day finding ways to bring knowledge to people about good companies with good products so forgive the almost "hard-sell" sound.

Why The Girls of Survival?
Yes, it does speak to one side of the marketplace, but most of all it gets all of the market's attention.

Surprisingly, more and more women are buying motorcyles according research found on the AMA site (American Motorcycle Association). For seasoned riders, there's nothing better than a beautiful bike with a beautiful woman sitting on it ready to ride.

The Law Makes it Boring!
Let's face it, if the law says we have to do something like have car insurance, that's just really boring and most people I've talked to are completely resigned to the fact they must buy it and let's not talk about it anymore.

The same people surveyed were asked why they buy it and after they say the law makes them own some, they realize their possessions are more secure with it than without it.

Sometimes Less is More...
One of the latest ads features a girl about to take her top off (or so it seems) with the line across her chest " Sometimes Less is More...".

At first glance we're not sure what we're looking at and for what product, but as we're drawn into the ad recognition of the subheadline "Are you saving all you can for auto insurance?" starts to give us a sense of some savvy marketing that "breaks through" the wall of boring insurance advertising.

It would be a good idea form some of the other companies to go a bit more out on a limb as well to go from just funny and cute to stronger, more edgy images and concepts.

One of the First of Many Early Commercials by Survival Insurance
Above is one of the first that started it all. If you didn't have Survival Insurance, can't take that ride!

Check out more of these commercial at this address:

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