The company is anything but boring. Many of the agents have their own motorcycles and ride in large groups on a regular basis.
One thing is for sure, the images in their new ad campaigns are anything but boring. They're on the edge, controversial and sometimes further than most would go in this industry.
Looks like that might be one of the reasons this insurance company stays in front of the pack because they don't like being just another boring insurance company that doesn't listen to their customers.
OK...I guess this is sounding like an ad. Well, I am a marketer and live all day finding ways to bring knowledge to people about good companies with good products so forgive the almost "hard-sell" sound.
Why The Girls of Survival?
Yes, it does speak to one side of the marketplace, but most of all it gets all of the market's attention.
Surprisingly, more and more women are buying motorcyles according research found on the AMA site (American Motorcycle Association). For seasoned riders, there's nothing better than a beautiful bike with a beautiful woman sitting on it ready to ride.
The Law Makes it Boring!
Let's face it, if the law says we have to do something like have car insurance, that's just really boring and most people I've talked to are completely resigned to the fact they must buy it and let's not talk about it anymore.
The same people surveyed were asked why they buy it and after they say the law makes them own some, they realize their possessions are more secure with it than without it.
Sometimes Less is More...
One of the latest ads features a girl about to take her top off (or so it seems) with the line across her chest " Sometimes Less is More...".
At first glance we're not sure what we're looking at and for what product, but as we're drawn into the ad recognition of the subheadline "Are you saving all you can for auto insurance?" starts to give us a sense of some savvy marketing that "breaks through" the wall of boring insurance advertising.
It would be a good idea form some of the other companies to go a bit more out on a limb as well to go from just funny and cute to stronger, more edgy images and concepts.
One of the First of Many Early Commercials by Survival Insurance
Above is one of the first that started it all. If you didn't have Survival Insurance, can't take that ride!
Check out more of these commercial at this address:
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